The tide gauge and its scientific relevance
2014 |
February 8 - April 6, 2014
Trying to measure the mean sea level it is not an easy task. The ocean is constantly in motion with the help of waves, wind, currents and tides. Imagine, while looking at the waves, what would need to be done in order to be able to correctly measure the sea level? |
First the rapid oscillation of waves would have to be controlled. Second, there would be a need for precise and lengthy records. Third, calculations of everything. In order to achieve this, the tide gauge was invented! The Cascais Tide Gauge dates back to the 19th century and was one of the first European observatories linked to the study of currents and tides, and those same records were used to compute the Ordnance Datum. The exhibition presents a copy of a tide gauge and various reproductions of ancient cartography and aerial photography of the Cascais Coast
