King D. Carlos Sea Prize
In an effort to pay tribute to the monarch and eminent oceanographer whose passion for the sea was, and is well know, the City Council of Cascais, through the King D. Carlos Sea Museum, created the King D. Carlos Sea Prize, which has been awarded since 1995.
The Prize contemplates the publication of scientific texts of great quality and innovation, many unknown by the public at large, thereby acknowledging and promoting research undertaken by Portuguese researchers and scientists.
In this perspective, and starting with the 15th edition of the Prize (2009), significant changes have been introduced in the rules of the Prize:
1) The two main scientific areas in competition, identified below, will be contemplated in alternate years:
- Maritime History (from pre-historic to the present)
- Life and Environment of the Oceans (in the field of marine biology and geology, as well as physics and biological oceanography, mainly in the area of ocean climatology and the problem of climate change)
2) Submission guidelines
2012 - Leonel Pereira e Fernando Correia, Macroalgae From the Portuguese Marine Coast – biodiversity, ecology and uses |
2011 – Commander Augusto Salgado, Portugal and the Atlantic, editing in progress |
2009 - Patrícia Catarina Sanches de Carvalho, Os Estaleiros Portugueses na Índia Portuguesa (1595-1630).
In press. |
2008 - António José Sacadura Monteiro, A Pesca - Luz e Sombra do Homem.
In press. |
2007 - Teresa Lacerda, Os Capitães das Armadas da Índia no Reinado de D. Manuel I - Uma Análise Social.
In press. |
2006 – Pesca comercial de tubarões e raias em Portugal, by João Pedro Santos Correia.
In press. |
2005 – O Declínio do Poder Naval Português – A Marinha, o Corso e a Pesca nos inícios do Século XVII, by Fernando Alberto Gomes Pedrosa.
In press. |
2004 – Cefalópodes da Costa Portuguesa, by Carlos Sousa Reis e Rui Rosa.
In press. |
2003 – Os Portugueses e o Sultanato de Macaçar no Século XVII, by Maria do Carmo Mira Borges.
Published in 2005 |
2002 – Guia para a Identificação de Algumas Famílias de Peixes Ósseos de Portugal Continental, através da Morfologia dos seus Otólitos Sagitta, by Carlos António da Silva Assis.
Published in 2004. |
2001 – Os Senhores da Navegação – O Domínio Português dos Mares da Ásia por Meados do Século XVI, by José Alberto Leitão Barata.
Published in 2003. |
2000 – Camarões e Lagostas da Costa Continental Portuguesa, by Ricardo Calado e Luís Filipe Castanheira Narciso.
Published in 2002 |
1999 – Algumas Prováveis Inovações de Origem Portuguesa nas Técnicas e Tácticas Navais durante a Expansão Marítima, by Fernando Alberto Gomes Pedrosa.
Published in 2002. |
1998 – Biologia e Cultivo de Artemia sp. (Crustacea, Branchiopoda): sua utilização em Aquacultura¸ by Luís Filipe Castanheira Narciso.
Published in 2000. |
1997 – Os Homens dos Descobrimentos e da Expansão Marítima – Pescadores, Marinheiros e Corsários, by Fernando Alberto Gomes Pedrosa.
Published in 2000 |
1996 – Ictioplâncton Estuarino da Península Ibérica (Guia de identificação dos ovos e estados larvares planctónicos), by Pedro Miguel Barcia Ré.
Published in 1999. |
1995 – Afonso de Albuquerque e a Arte da Guerra, by Fernando Alberto Gomes Pedrosa.
Published in 1998. |